Work History
Skills And Achievements
Personal Information
Hobbies and Interests
James Hellar

James Hellar



Dr Hellar is self-motivated, energetic and willing to work hard without supervision, usually accept challenges and believes in team work, dedicated and polite, utilizing the ability developed through academic knowledge. Trusty [Job Title] with experience in various care settings. Strong background in providing quality care to patients of wide range of ages and backgrounds. Proven track record of successfully diagnosing and treating variety of chronic and acute medical conditions. Detail-oriented team player with strong organizational skills. Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously with a high degree of accuracy.


years of professional experience

Work History

Medical Doctor

Mbeya Region RHMT
  • Supporting Event based surveillance and PHEOC Watch functions
  • Actively participate in the RHMT meetings
  • Make different presentations to teach, update or create awareness to other staffs and RHMT members
  • Assist in supportive supervision
  • Produce/develop the regional health profile
  • Analyze different data, which is collected by the region and disseminate it to the key targeted people
  • Assist in drawing recommendations from secondary data analysis to inform regional health planning Participate in regional health planning and report writing
  • Take meeting minutes or chair some meetings
  • Conduct; operational research, management analysis, program/surveillance system evaluation
  • Outbreak investigation
  • Develop/create simple database for various routine data that the region was collecting.

Medical Epidemiologist

Ministry of Health, Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit, Public Health Emergency Operations Center
07.2018 - Current
  • Public Health Emergency Management Fellow, Experience on managing public health emergencies through attending a four months' comprehensive program by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta Georgia
  • Acquired skills that include but not limited to; Leading Emergency operations
  • Collection, analysis, and dissemination of critical public health information
  • Managing emergency situations effectively by utilizing incident management system key concepts
  • Effective operationalization of emergency operation centers (EOCs) at all phases of emergency management (Preparedness, Response, Prevention & Mitigation, Recovery)
  • Training of relevant professional staff members on Public Health Emergencies management.

Medical Data Collector

01.2018 - 05.2018
  • Trained facility surgical teams and the facility point-person on data collection and utilization through use of the WHO surgical safety checklist
  • Experience on Identifying, recording and reporting Surgical Site Infections, maternal sepsis and post-operative sepsis
  • Conducting analytical studies (cohort and case-control studies).

Inter Doctor

Mbeya Zonal referral Hospital
11.2016 - 12.2017
  • Worked on Care and treatment Centres for HIV/AID's, Performed daily follow-up on HIV/AIDs patients
  • Experience on chemo-therapy treatments from common cancers affecting immune compromised children
  • Surgical skills through performing various lifesaving procedures at several departments (Emergency Medical Department (EMD), Surgical and Obstetric departments).


Master of Science - Epidemiology

Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

No Degree - Emergency Management

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention
Atlanta Georgia

Bachelor of Science - Medicine

Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

No Degree - Certificate

Feza Boys
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

No Degree - Certificate

St Mary's Seminary
Mbeya, Tanzania


  • Treatment Plan Development
  • Health assessments
  • Preventive Care
  • Medical Research
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Attention to Detail
  • Multitasking
  • Self Motivation
  • Adaptability
  • Goal Setting
  • Analytical Skills
  • Written Communication
  • Organizational Skills
  • Effective Communication


  • Collaborated with team of responders in the development of COVID-19, Marburg Virus Disease and Cholera response plans
  • Achieve containment of Marburg virus disease by facilitating coordination with accuracy and efficiency.
  • Supervised team of 10 staff members in responding to Marburg virus disease
  • Used Microsoft Excel to develop disease dashboards
  • Used GIS to develop mapps and track disease hotspot sites
  • Investigation of Anthrax disease outbreak in Songwe region (2019)


  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS)- (Basic and advanced life support training) for 4 weeks (October 2018) at Muhimbili National Hospital.
  • Public Health Emergency Management Fellowship program. Attended a four months' comprehensive program by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta Georgia (August -November 2019).
  • Disaster risk profile workshop in Tanzania. Attended a one-week workshop for developing Tanzania Disaster risk profile (December 2019).
  • Epidemic Intelligence on open sources (EIOS) - ( September 2022)
  • Africa Volunteer Health Corps-Strengthening and Utilizing Response Groups for Effective Response (AvoC-SURGE) ( February 2023)

Skills And Achievements

Tanzania being World Health Organization (WHO) category risk number two Country on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in 2018 on the 10th EVD outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri provinces, worked in collaboration with Supporting partners (WHO, CDC, MSF,) in supporting identified 10 high risk regions of Tanzania in preparing against and preventing EVD outbreak through;

 1. EVD case management trainings

 2. EVD Rapid Response Teams Trainings

 3. Simulation and table top exercises

 4. SOPs and guideline development

 5. Ongoing EVD Country Risk assessments and supportive supervisions to Regional teams. 

Effective investigation, management and response of Anthrax outbreak in Songwe Region (2019), Cholera Outbreak in Tanga and Dar es salaam (2019), Morogoro Fire accident (August 2019) and Marburg (March 2023). 

1. Member of the National Task Force Team on Anthrax and Cholera outbreaks Effective Management of ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanzania, through continued;

1. Data and situational analysis 

2. Contact tracing and follow up 

3. Rapid response team's trainings and deployments 

4. Alert desk management Member of COVID-19 National Task Force Committee (March -November 2020) Worked under the operations section under the COVID-19 Incident Management System structure (IMS) as part of Data management team, also worked in supporting Regional Rapid Response teams conduct effective contact tracing at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic to control transmission (April 2020)., Emergency Management by objectives by utilizing basic Incident Management System (IMS) concepts., Data Management (Complex Data analysis using STATA 15, EPI Info, Excel & GIS software's, and formulation of information products)., Complex Surveys and research proposal development, Emergency management skills (Basic and Advanced life support skills), Event Based Surveillance (Media scanning and related watch functions), IPC and Case-Management (COVID-19, EVD)

Personal Information

  • Place of Birth: Mbeya
  • Date of Birth: 05/28/90
  • Gender: Male
  • Nationality: Tanzanian
  • Marital Status: Married


+255 716 960 846,,


Patterns and trends of antibacterial resistance before and during the COVID 19 era (2019-2021) at Mbeya Zonal Referral Hospital (MZRH). James Hellar


  • Dr Elias Masau Kwesi, Director of Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit (DEPRU), MoH, P.O.BOX 743, Dodoma, Tanzania, 0769541122,
  • Dr Angela Samwel, PHEOC Manager, MoH, P.O.BOX 743, Dodoma, Tanzania, 0766819726,
  • Dr Candida Moshiro, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, P.O.BOX 65015, Dar es salaam, Tanzania, 0784 950 071,

Hobbies and Interests

  • Reading Health related journals
  • Developing health related proposals
  • Teaching Health related topics
  • Watching news, football and documentaries


Bilingual or Proficient (C2)
Bilingual or Proficient (C2)


  • Ministry of Health Tanzania


1. Public Health Emergency Management

2. Disaster management

3. Africa Volunteer Health Corps - Strengthening and Utilizing Response Groups for Effective response (AVoC-SURGE)

4. Epidemic Intelligence by open sources

5. Basic Life Support


Medical Epidemiologist

Ministry of Health, Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit, Public Health Emergency Operations Center
07.2018 - Current

Medical Data Collector

01.2018 - 05.2018

Inter Doctor

Mbeya Zonal referral Hospital
11.2016 - 12.2017

Medical Doctor

Mbeya Region RHMT

Master of Science - Epidemiology

Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences

No Degree - Emergency Management

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention

Bachelor of Science - Medicine

Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences

No Degree - Certificate

Feza Boys

No Degree - Certificate

St Mary's Seminary

1. Public Health Emergency Management

2. Disaster management

3. Africa Volunteer Health Corps - Strengthening and Utilizing Response Groups for Effective response (AVoC-SURGE)

4. Epidemic Intelligence by open sources

5. Basic Life Support

James Hellar