Hardworking and detail-oriented Trade Facilitation dedicated to providing customer-centered care and support for local and international clients. Team-oriented, reliable and computer-savvy. Looking to offer 20 years of experience to challenging new role with room for advancement.
Coordinate meetings and do research on the implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade facilitation; Coordinate capacity building the National Trade Facilitation Committees; Develop a regional project proposals on trade facilitation; Mobilise resources for the implementation of the WTO agreement on Trade Facilitation ; coordinate the Regional Trade information Portal, African Trade Observatory, Provide technical input and undertake studies and research aimed at implementing Trade Facilitation and the Single Customs Territory; Promotion of Customs Integrity and anti-corruption initiatives in Customs, Establish a Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism for the implementation of the TFA; Develop background papers for the Sub Committee on Trade Facilitation; Coordinate the Monitoring & monitoring of implementation of the EAC Sectoral Council on Trade Industry Finance and Investment and Council and Pre-budget Consultations decisions related to Customs and Trade; Build capacity of the National Committees on Trade Facilitation and Coordinate the discussions with development partners and other stakeholders in the areas of trade facilitation and Coordinate capacity building in Customs on Trade Facilitation, Rules of Origin, Tariff and Customs Integrity.
Planning of the activities of the project; Projects appraisals, Monitoring and Evaluation of the projects. Chair the planning meetings; Follow-up the budget execution of the project; Coordinate the human resources deployed to the Project; Approve the requisition of office material and furniture; Approve the eligible requests of assistance; Report to the National Coordination, the activities carried out; Recommend to the National Coordination, the corrective actions during the phase of execution of the project; Execute other tasks as required by the Management.
Identify the needs of Small and Medium enterprises for their development; Assist the Small and Medium Enterprises to develop their bankable business plan; Projects appraisal and Monitoring and evaluation; Elaborate projects to promote the agribusiness; Carry out negotiations with the development partners; Coordinate the evaluation missions of the implemented projects; Recommend the correctives measures to the management; Prepare the action plan and budgets for the department; Organise workshops with partners.
Manage the Financial and logistical Resources of the province; Make financial reports and Logistical arrangements for the Province.
Certification of origin of goods exported to the countries which signed the trade agreements with Rwanda (eg. Under AGOA, COMESA, EU-ACP, CHINA spt,…). Other activities to perform are:
Coordinate the Department and International groupings such as COMESA, AGOA, CEE-ACP; Follow up application of the Rules of origin; Visits local industries to identify the goods that merit certificate of origin; Train the staff and taxpayers on principles of rules of origin; Follow up queries raised by verification officers in regards to rules of origin; Advise the department on the rules of origin issues and Participate in various international meetings on Trade and Customs matters.
A member of National Development and Trade Policy Forum (NDTPF) chaired by Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Tourism, Investment Promotion and Cooperatives.
Customs Inspector
Physical and documentary verification of declarations which cover different customs regimes (Import, Exports…) and Application of Customs Valuation and Harmonised System (HS)…
Transit and Exports Officer.
Development and implementation of Transit Procedures; monitor transit movements of goods through the customs territory and Monitor Bond Management.
Responsible of the accounting system of the station; Oversee the human resources of the station; Prepare the payment of the staff and Prepare financial reports of the station.