Work History
Employment Records
Management Experience
Personal Information

Tulibhake Griffin Mwandunga

Dar es Salaam


I offer strong interpersonal skills, oral and written communication skills, ensuring effective planning, coordination, and implementation of the programmatic and operation activities in the district while functioning well both independently and collaboratively with an outgoing personality with thought leadership and integrity. My analytics skills offer an outstanding impact on my leadership, enabling me on effective decision making and implementation, while designing programmatic implementation patterns and developing strategies for outstanding performances. I am an imaginative forward-thinking manager, expert forecaster, and planner. I am an effective communicator enabling strong engagement with CHMT on implementing HIV Program activities in the council plan. I am a talented coordinator, problem solver and team leader with proven expertise in road mapping effective plans enabling great target and CQI achievements. Encouraging manager and analytical problem-solver with talents for team building, leading and motivating, as well as excellent customer relations aptitude and relationship-building skills. Proficient in using independent decision-making skills and sound judgment to positively impact company success. Dedicated to applying training, monitoring and morale-building abilities to enhance employee engagement and boost performance.


years of professional experience

Work History


02.2023 - Current
  • Lead and oversee the planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of program work plan and other ICAP-supported implementation activities at the council level
  • Ensures efficient utilization of project resources and compliance with donor and government regulations
  • Good team builder of performing team of 6 program staffs in the council
  • Participates in strategic dialogue with council authorities on project issues
  • Actively participates in and collaborates with CHMTs to conduct needs assessments relevant to ICAP scopes and provide technical assistance (TA) to the District Medical Officer (DMO) and District AIDS Control Coordinator (DACC), Council Health Management Team (CHMT), and supported health facilities in planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of the identified gaps
  • Identify, engage and facilitate strategic collaboration with existing and new partners in HIV and related services to maximize the impact of ICAP programmatic activities in the council
  • Work with the sub-awards and subcontracts officers to develop and oversee sub-grantees and services agreement plans and budgets and ensure optimum resource allocation, utilization, and compliance with donor and government regulations
  • In collaboration with compliance team, conduct program audits for subs and CHMTs to ensure effective use of project resources
  • Ensure timely collection and submission of national HIV services and program data – as well as support strengthening of the related M&E systems – in collaboration with the M&E team
  • Lead the council-level data analysis and utilization initiatives to promote data utilization efforts at all levels
  • Managed capacity-building efforts for HIV and related service providers, capitalizing on supportive supervision, mentorship, and on-job training Lead the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) activities to track progress in data management at individual sites focusing in different supported program areas like TB/HIV, PMTCT, C&T Routine monitoring of program key indicators, C&T, PMTCT, Periodically evaluation of program indicators monthly, quarterly, semiannually and annually
  • Mentored and supported 36 CTC department health providers to create strong workplace culture.


05.2022 - 01.2023
  • Developed district-level work plans for implementation of HIV linkage and retention activities in both facility and community including supervision of field activities
  • Ensured linkage and retention including community-based ART services are provided in line with WHO, national, donor, and ICAP policies and procedures and upheld principles of ethics and confidentiality
  • Ensured also Linkages between PMTCT, EID, TB/HIV and pediatric and adolescent HIV services
  • Managed recruitment, training, and supervision of 59 peer volunteers supporting linkage and retention activities
  • Liaised with operations and supply chain staff to ensure adequate supplies of commodities and tools required to implement the work plan
  • Collaborated with SI staff to ensure performance data on linkage and retention activities in community are accurately reflected in databases and verify consistency between data sources together with reporting of pediatric and adolescent HIV, PMTCT, and CECAP services
  • Ensured health facilities and healthcare workers participating in community-based services were appropriately trained and oriented
  • Collaborate with CHMT to assess and implement initiatives to address skill and resource needs in pediatric and adolescent HIV, PMTCT, and CECAP services through supportive supervision, mentorship, on-job training, and design remediation strategies using CQI methodologies
  • Developed/adopted the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Tool to be used C&T, PMTCT Lead the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) activities to track progress in data management at individual sites focusing in different supported program areas like TB/HIV, PMTCT, C&T

Health Facility Assistant

12.2021 - 03.2022
  • Enhanced team communication through effective scheduling, meeting coordination, and correspondence management at CTC.
  • Served with expert clients on preparing for CTC clinics by preparing lists of appointment, sorting files for appointments and making phone calls to remind clients on their appointments, together with this I had been working with field officers on organizing geographical location for services and ensuring the health facility workers are participating on community based activities
  • Successfully establishment and maintenance of collaboration between health facility workers and motivated them to participate fully on both facility and community based activities and provide mentorship to healthcare workers and expert clients supporting field activities while ensuring linkage of the two
  • Assisted in mapping and re-mapping geographic locations for service delivery as HTS and ART refills and work with expert clients and other workers on implementation of retention while forming refill clubs and integrating services to ensure full package services availability to clients either attending facility or reached through refills
  • Successfully establishment and maintenance of technical response for COVID-19 vaccination among PLHIV Collaborated with other facility workers and community workers, successfully conducted a number of education sessions on COVID-19 vaccination and motivation on vaccination.
  • Maximized staff performance by assisting with on job mentorship, and performance evaluations.


Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital
01.2020 - 01.2021
  • Where I was involved in planning and implementation of CTC patients' management
  • During planning, more emphasis was put-on cost-effective patients' care without jeopardizing quality of services provided
  • Participated in day-to-day activities at Care and Treatment Centre (CTC) clinics managing over 70 clients per day during rotation within department of Internal Medicine
  • Admitted and treated patients as part of hospital's 24-hour on-call services, conducted physical assessments of relevant body areas performed standardized tests to check responses and kept trace of IPT allergic clients for further executions and collaborative diagnosis formulations.
  • Improved CTC team efficiency by implementing new workflow processes and procedures.

Researcher Officer

01.2017 - 01.2020
  • To ensure CTC2 databases are continuously up to date, functioning and effectively used according to the highest standards and quality data produced from the system
  • Ensured that data clerks are working according to scope of work (SOW) and standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the organization
  • Technical support on increased number of electronic CTC2 database by 50% Established mobile database for Option B+ standalone sites
  • To facilitates the hiring of new data clerks at six council and nine sub grantees Component of Data quality Assessment (DQA) were introduced to data clerks to ensure quality data obtained from the system Enabled to trouble shooting CTC2 Database and installed new version of the system Collaborated with National AIDS control program (NACP) on how to improves the functionality of CTC2 database Managed program data of C&T, PMTCT and TB/HIV
  • Secured funding for critical research projects through persuasive grant writing and effective networking.


Strategic Management And Leadership Program - Organizational Leadership

Arden University
United Kingdom

Masters in Public health - Public Health

Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Science
Dar Es Salaam

M.D. - Medicine

Dar Es Salaam

Advanced level certificate - PCB


Ordinary Level Certificate -



  • Volunteer Management
  • Partnership Building
  • Training Facilitation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Decision Making
  • Time Management
  • Project Management
  • Budget Management
  • Team Leadership
  • Problem Solving
  • Proposal Development
  • Negotiating


Fluent in English & Swahili

Employment Records

  • DISTRICT PROGRAM LEAD, ICAP, 02/2023, PRESENT, The organization receives funds from CDC to implement health-related projects. Among the projects is Mwanza, HIV/AIDS Project implements Comprehensive HIV services, like Care and Treatment and PMTCT, VMMC., Lead and oversee the planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of program workplans and other ICAP-supported implementation activities at the council level., Ensures efficient utilization of project resources and compliance with donor and government regulations., Good team builder of performing team of program staffs in the council., Participates in strategic dialogue with council authorities on project issues., Actively participates in and collaborates with CHMTs to conduct needs assessments relevant to ICAP’s scopes and provide technical assistance (TA) to the District Medical Officer (DMO) and District AIDS Control Coordinator (DACC), Council Health Management Team (CHMT), and supported health facilities in planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of the identified gaps., Identify, engage and facilitate strategic collaboration with existing and new partners in HIV and related services to maximize the impact of ICAP’s programmatic activities in the council., Work with the sub-awards and subcontracts officers to develop and oversee sub-grantees and services agreement plans and budgets and ensure optimum resource allocation, utilization, and compliance with donor and government regulations., In collaboration with compliance team, conduct program audits for subs and CHMTs to ensure effective use of project resources., Ensure timely collection and submission of national HIV services and program data – as well as support strengthening of the related M&E systems – in collaboration with the M&E team., Lead the council-level data analysis and utilization initiatives to promote data utilization efforts at all levels., managed capacity-building efforts for HIV and related service providers, capitalizing on supportive supervision, mentorship, and on-job training, Lead the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) activities to track progress in data management at individual sites focusing in different supported program areas like TB/HIV, PMTCT, C&T, Routine monitoring of program key indicators, C&T, PMTCT, Periodically evaluation of program indicators monthly, quarterly, semiannually and annually
  • LINKAGE RETENTION OFFICER, ICAP, 05/2022, 01/2023, ASSIGHNED OTHER DUTIES; Pediatric, PMTCT/ CECAP district focal, Developed district-level workplans for implementation of HIV linkage and retention activities in the community including supervision of field activities., Ensured linkage and retention including community-based ART services are provided in line with WHO, national, donor, and ICAP policies and procedures and upholded principles of ethics and confidentiality. Ensured also Linkages between PMTCT, EID, TB/HIV and pediatric and adolescent HIV services., Managed recruitment, training, and supervision of peer volunteers supporting linkage and retention activities., Liaised with operations and supply chain staff to ensure adequate supplies of commodities and tools required to implement the workplan., Collaborated with SI staff to ensure performance data on linkage and retention activities in community are accurately reflected in databases and verify consistency between data sources together with reporting of paediatric and adolescent HIV, PMTCT, and CECAP services., Ensured health facilities and healthcare workers participating in community-based services were appropriately trained and oriented., Collaborate with CHMT to assess and implement initiatives to address skill and resource needs in pediatric and adolescent HIV, PMTCT, and CECAP services through supportive supervision, mentorship, on-job training, and design remediation strategies using CQI methodologies., Developed/adopted the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Tool to be used C&T, PMTCT, Lead the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) activities to track progress in data management at individual sites focusing in different supported program areas like TB/HIV, PMTCT, C&T
  • Health Facility Assistant, ICAP, 12/2021, 03/2022, I have worked as a health facility assistant ICAP Mwanza, I was assighned to support ctc and other HIV related programming at the site. I had served with expert clients on preparing for ctc clinics by preparing lists of appointment, sorting files for appointments and making phone calls to remind clients on their appointments, together with this I had been working with field officers on organizing geographical location for services and ensuring the health facility workers are participating on community based activities., Successfully establishment and maintenance of collaboration between health facility workers and motivated them to participate fully on both facility and community based activities and provide mentorship to healthcare workers and expert clients supporting field activities while ensuring linkage of the two., Assisted in mapping and re mapping geographic locations for service delivery as HTS and ART refills and work with expert clients and other workers on implementation of retention while forming refill clubs and integrating services to ensure full package services availability to clients either attending facility or reached through refills., Successfully establishment and maintenance of technical response for covid- 19 vaccination among PLHIV, Collaborated with other facility workers and community workers ,successfully conducted a number of education sessions on covid-19 vaccination and motivation on vaccine uptake
  • CTC TEAM LEAD, Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital, 2020, 2021, Where I was involved in planning and implementation of CTC patients' management. During planning, more emphasis was put-on cost-effective patients' care without jeopardizing quality of services provided. Participated in day-to-day activities at Care and Treatment Centre (CTC) clinics managing over 70 clients per day during rotation within department of Internal Medicine. Admitted and treated patients as part of hospital's 24-hour on-call services, conducted physical assessments of relevant body areas performed standardized tests to check responses and kept trace of IPT allergic clients for further executions and collaborative diagnosis formulations.
  • Researcher officer, ST JOSEPH UNIVERSITY, 2017, 2020, To ensure CTC2 databases are continuously up to date, functioning and effectively used according to the highest standards and quality data produced from the system, Ensured that data clerks are working according to scope of work (SOW) and standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the organization., Technical support on increased number of electronic CTC2 database by 50%, Established mobile database for Option B+ standalone sites., To facilitates the hiring of new data clerks at six council and nine sub grantees, Component of Data quality Assessment (DQA) were introduced to data clerks to ensure quality data obtained from the system, Enabled to trouble shooting CTC2 Database and installed new version of the system, Collaborated with National AIDS control program (NACP) on how to improves the functionality of CTC2 database, Managed program data of C&T, PMTCT and TB/HIV


P.O. Box 25528, Dar es Salaam

Management Experience

  • Collaborates with the central Program staff to provide guidance, mentorship, coaching and training to as well as supervise the council staffs to ensure they have the requisite skills to deliver successfully and offer assistance whenever required.
  • Inform and advise the ICAP Tanzania, Senior Management Team [through regional manager] on issues or developments that are affecting or may affect the implementation of the program.
  • Collaborate with central Program staff to perform analytics (diagnostic, descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics) in my council, showing HIV Program implementation patterns, challenges, opportunities, for insights, effective decision making, and strategy development.
  • Ensure effective planning, coordination, implementation of the programmatic and operation activities in the council and development and monitoring council work plans and budgets.
  • Ensure the program targets are shared and owned by the facilities and every effort is made to ensure targets are achieved at the end of the year.
  • Participated in a regional technical team meeting quarterly.
  • Prepared council and CHMT Budgets on

Personal Information

  • Gender: Female
  • Nationality: Tanzanian
  • Marital Status: single


  • Gerald Kundi, Data Collection and reporting Manager, ICAP - Dar es Salaam,, 0786706965
  • DR JOSEPH OBEDI, Regional Program Manager, ICAP - Mwanza,, 0756383626
  • DR SARAH MAGOMA, Head of CTC AND MEDICAL SERVICE COORDINATOR, Dodoma Regional Referral,, 0713 334 852


  • Dar es Salaam, 2021
  • Certificate of PALS Basic Life support. (Pediatric)
  • Washington University
  • Certificate of Project management in Global health
  • Certificate of Leadership and management in Health
  • American Heart Association
  • Certificate of Paediatric Advanced Life support.(PALS)



02.2023 - Current


05.2022 - 01.2023

Health Facility Assistant

12.2021 - 03.2022


Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital
01.2020 - 01.2021

Researcher Officer

01.2017 - 01.2020

Strategic Management And Leadership Program - Organizational Leadership

Arden University

Masters in Public health - Public Health

Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Science

M.D. - Medicine


Advanced level certificate - PCB


Ordinary Level Certificate -

Tulibhake Griffin Mwandunga