Business-minded Finance Manager, dedicated and highly experience with more than 10 years of career experience. Exceptional interpersonal and problem solving skills aspiring at being an efficient, solution and results-oriented Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who provides "added value", profitable and "strategic" contributions on the company's key business operations and be able to consistently meeting and surpassing the employer's expectations.
Tanzania) - TZS 91 million.
1. Dr. Muhsin Salim Masoud - "People Bank of Zanzibar (PBZ)"
Managing Director (MD)
+255 (0) 773 470 870
2. Isaack Alex Katanda - "Acclaim Construction Supplies Limited"
Board Chairman
+255 (0) 684702011
3. Mwinyi Sekro - "Amana Bank Limited "
Chief Internal Auditor (CIA)
Mwinyi. Sekro
+255 (0) 756064854