Hardworking Physician dedicated to improving patient health and wellness with proactive strategies. Analytical in approaching individual concerns and talented in leveraging wealth of medical training and contemporary knowledge to formulate successful plans. Talented in handling high volume of diverse patients and leading support staff to maximize outcomes.
Medical Council of Tanganyika.
Practicing Medical License.
1. Dr Mathew Cosmas Shao( MD)
Physician at Iringa regional refferal hospital
Contact 0652791791.
2. Dr Hilda Tutuba (MD,MPH)
Supervisor at Sickle Pan African Research Consortium.
Contact 0767375474.
3.Dr Scholastica M Malangalila (MD,MMED OBGYN)
Medical Specialist at Iringa Refferal Hospital.
Contact 0754 022 823.
Medical Council of Tanganyika.
Practicing Medical License.