I am a dedicated and knowledgeable Bachelor of science in taxation graduate with a passion for education and ability to express complex concept effectively. Also I'm men with strong willingness, facilitate learning, ability to enhance my skill in teaching and guiding others, ability to rapidly master and successfully implement new concepts, techniques and skills in my area of expertise.
Smart student studying in academic discipline and looking for related experience. Willing to listen and learn and excited to contribute in real-world environment to help find practical, actionable solutions for current needs.
Name : Abdallah Mgallusy
Occupation : Lecturer
Institute: The Institute of Finance Management (IFM)
Location: Dar es salaam.
Contact : +255762831109,
Email : mgallusy84@gmail.com
Name: Joyce Frank
Position: Banker
Institute: United Bank For
Location: Kinondoni, Dar es salaam
Contact: +255672174910
Email: joice.frank@ubatanzania.co.tz
Name: Jonh Mwangoka
Position: Relation Manager
Institute: United Bank for Africa
Location: Dar es salaam
Contact: +255765532069
Email: john.mwangoka@ugagroup.com